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Subscribe or Follow to stay on top of the enlightning wisdom. With new topics posted daily you'll be sure to get a positive lesson you can meditate on throughout your day. In no time you'll be on your way to creating a wonderful faith-filled world all around you regardless of the way things may seem now. All it takes is one leap of faith. (Read on)

No one can give you wisdom. You must discover it for yourself, on the journey through life, which no one can take for you.

There are so many wonderful secrets and sciences in the world we can use as tools to better our lives. some of them have been hidden from us, others we have flatly rejected. We have rejected our own culture and traditions, yet without investigation we accept the world of others as truth. When we close any portion of our minds we close of a part of the world.

Is it fear that keeps us locked in? Is it hopelessness? Or is it stubbornness? How can the descendants of genius be so closed to new information? How can the children of the first civilization be lost and hopeless?

What will it take before we open our hearts and minds to the world that awaits us? What would our ancestors think if they saw us lost and struggling? Unable to do with so much more than they had.

Today I will open myself to another part of the world..

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