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Keep Thy Heart With All Diligence.

Ma'at and Isis (left to right)
Queen Maat is the gatekeeper of the heart. It is said that before man can pass on to eternal peace, his heart must be balanced on the scale of Maat. On one side she will place your heart, the cause behind all of our actions. On the other side, she will place her feather, which contains all the issues of life. If your heart tips the scale, you are banished from a peaceful rest and your spirit must continue working to cleanse  itself.
What are you harboring in your heart? Hate, anger, fear, judgement, shame or guilt will tilt the scale against you. The feather of Maat contains truth, honor, justice, harmony and love, which the ancients believed were the only requirements for a long, prosperous and peace-filled life.

To pass through the gate of Maat you must seek and speak the truth, harboring no ill thoughts or feelings, you must honor the ways of those who came before you, you must deal justly with honesty in all situations, be harmonious in all that you do, seeking no quarrel with anyone and extending only love to others.

                               My heart is as light as a feather.

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