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Sometimes the strong die, too!

Are you one of those people who is always there when somebody needs you? You know just what to say, exactly what to do to turn the worst situation into a conquerable challenge. Everybody calls on you. Everybody needs you. You are, after all, strong enough, tough enough to make it through anything and everything.

Well, Who do the strong go to? Who do the strong lean on? Where do the strong go when they are not feeling very strong?When you set yourself up to be an anchor for everybody else, you jump ship on
yourself! The need to be needed, the illusion that without us things would not get done, is actually the way we escape ourselves.The strong have needs. The strong have weaknesses! Sometimes those needs are so deep and painful that rather than face them, the strong run away. When the strong take the weight of the world on their shoulders, they eventually break down.
The question is, Who will be there for the strong?

I take time for me, to do for me the same things I do for others.