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A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

If you had to tell someone in ten words or less what you stand for in life, what would you say? It might be noble to speak of the liberation for all people of color, but what do you stand for? Perhaps you would take up the cause of starving or abused children, but what do you stand for? The freedom of political prisoners? Decent housing? Equitable distribution of food and natural resources? An end to all wars and warlike aggression? Or perhaps its education?

It is good, honorable and very noble to have a cause, but before you can do that, you must be able to stand on your own two feet. More battles are lost in this life to weary soldiers than are lost for a lack of cause.

What do you stand for? How about peace of mind, radiant health, truth and honesty, viable use of your God-given talents, gifts and abilities, or maybe just plain old love. When you are standing on well-cared for and rested feet, you will be victorious in any cause.

I Stand on the principle of me first.