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Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth.

We can become so consumed with trying to make it that we never do. Unfortunately, before we know it, we are seated by age, hardened by experiences, having never realized the full value of life.
We want so much.
We try to do so much, it seems as if nothing ever gets done. The Ancient Africans knew that quality not quantity makes life precious. Its is our individual responsibility to set the standards for quality in our lives.
Do we have peace in our lives? Do we have a source of happiness in our lives? Are we living up to the standards we set for ourselves? Have we set standards? Are we committed to following our hearts desire? Are we making our dreams come true?

We must decide for ourselves what we want for ourselves while the sunshine of youth is upon us.

It is quality not quantity, that brings wisdom with age.

Dont let anyone steal your spirit.

There are times when we find ourselves at odds with someone. It may seem that our only choices are to get caught up in the situation or walk away.
The ego tells us we must prove we are right. If we walk away, the other person will win.

The ego keeps us from recognizing there is another choice. Whatever situation confronts us, we must recognize our right to be at peace. The need to be right and meet discord head on begins within. It is a need that stems from feelings of powerlessness, unworthiness and a lack of love. It shows up in life as arguments and confrontations.
When we have peace in our hearts and minds, we draw peace into our lives.
When discord and disharmony present themselves, we can stand firm.

When we let go of the need to prove to ourselves, nothing and no one can disturb the quiet and peace of our minds.

I am rightfully peaceful.