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No one can give you wisdom. You must discover it for yourself, on the journey through life, which no one can take for you.

There are so many wonderful secrets and sciences in the world we can use as tools to better our lives. some of them have been hidden from us, others we have flatly rejected. We have rejected our own culture and traditions, yet without investigation we accept the world of others as truth. When we close any portion of our minds we close of a part of the world.

Is it fear that keeps us locked in? Is it hopelessness? Or is it stubbornness? How can the descendants of genius be so closed to new information? How can the children of the first civilization be lost and hopeless?

What will it take before we open our hearts and minds to the world that awaits us? What would our ancestors think if they saw us lost and struggling? Unable to do with so much more than they had.

Today I will open myself to another part of the world..

To be who you are and to become what you are capable of is the only goal worth living.

Life is not hopping from one mountaintop to another because there is a valley between. At times, the valley is a job you hate but need to feed the family.
The valley might be a failing or toxic relationship. The valley could be a child who goes astray or a friend who betrays you. The valley could be an illness or the death of a loved one. The valley is dark, bleak, ugly and frightening.

But there is value in the valley.

When you are in the valley, you begin to muster the strength and power buried deep within you. In the valley you begin to think, pray and tap into your incredibly divine self.

The valley gives you a time to rest, to heal, to rejuvenate your being. It is an opportunity to look up, to see and remember those powerful mountain climbers who made it before you: your grandmother, your hero, even yourself.

You have been in the valley before. Remember what you did, how you got up and out. Let the thoughts and memories of that success be the rope you use to pull yourself up.

I am taking time to learn the value of the valley..

Everything that has happened had to happen. Everything that must happen cannot be stopped.

Everything that we experience, everything we think, feel and do is in divine order. It is part of the universal flow that helps us discover who we are. If our thoughts and emotions did not manifest as actions, how else would we see who we are?

The world is not happening to us. We are happening to it. We are molding it, shaping it, creating the good and the bad. Sooner or later we will get tired of what we are doing and will do something else. When we get tired of hate, we will stop living in fear. When we get tired of injustice we will stop judging one another. When we get tired of violence we will stop aggression in all forms.

When we get rid of criticism, cynicism and victimization we will live in truth, take responsibility for what we do and stop blaming each other.

When we get sick and tired of the chaos in the world perhaps we will begin to love our brother as we love ourselves.

I happen to be creating a better world.

Power concedes nothing without a demand.

       Have you noticed how long hard times seem to last? And don't rainy days seem to go on forever? Do life's difficulties appear to multiply rapidly? When hard times, difficulties or rainy days appear, do you give them all your attention?

      If you are like most of us, you probably do. And like most of us, you give difficulty power. Nothing is ever as it seems. What looks bad today can be a blessing tomorrow. Challenges come so we can grow and be prepared for things we are not equipped to handle now.
      When we face our challenges with faith, prepare to learn, willing to make changes, and if necessary, to let go, we are demanding our power be returned.

My willingness to grow is my demand for power.

If your spiritual philosophy is not moving you to the state of peace, health, wealth, and love your spirit need a new spiritual philosophy.

What is your spiritual philosophy? Your life philosophy? Is it leading you to the places you want to go? Is it moving you through the challenges and obstacles you face? Is your spiritual philosophy yours? Or is it one that was passed on to you? Is your philosophy creating the optimum conditions in your life? 

Your spiritual philosophy is the way you approach life. It is the foundation upon which you can stand at any time, in any situation, without fear of falling or failing. If your spiritual philosophy leaves any room for fear, lack, hate, intolerance, anger, pain or shame, it may be time for a change.

I Am open and willing to change.