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The tongue of a man is his sword.

Wars do not begin when one force is aggressive towards another. They begin when one force speaks aggression toward another.
No act of aggression begins without a word. The word ignites the warrior mechanism in the mind and body. When we hear aggressive words, we are compelled to respond. When we speak aggressive words, we are advanced upon.
A wise soldier knows never to draw his sword unless he is ready, able and willing to do battle.
Meanwhile, a fool draws his sword aimlessly and is prone to cut himself to death.

My Tongue is my sword of power. I use it wisely.

You,ve been tricked! You've been had! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled!

Somebody sure pulled a fast one on you! Somebody, somewhere tricked you into believing there were certain things you could not do because of who you were. Someone else told you that only certain people could do or be the very thing you wanted to be. And you were not one of those people.
With a sleight-of-hand manipulation of facts, someone made you think you didn't have what it takes, so they took it. Somebody told you that you were slow, or lazy; not good enough; or crazy. And you believed that? They tricked you into believing what they wanted you to believe. They knew who you were and they knew you had no idea. They pulled the wool over your eyes. Ran a game on you and you fell for it!
The truth is they downright, open-mouthed, bare-faced told you a lie! Now what are you going to do?

I Am not falling for the same old tricks again.

Speak your truth, and speak it quick!

Saying what you really think, feel or believe is often difficult. Usually you don't want to hurt other people's feelings. Even when they infuriate you, you don't want to make someone mad.
The real truth of the matter is, somewhere deep down inside, you don't believe your feelings are "right" or that you have the "right" to feel the way you do.
When you hold on to feelings you become angry, fearful and confused. When you don't say what is on your mind you will be prone to gossip, rebel or commit acts of betrayal against yourself and others.
The only way to free yourself from the stress of not saying what you think is to speak your truth with love, clarity and conviction. And to speak it quickly with a conscious tongue.

I speak my truth from my heart.

You must never be stupid enough to say, or smart enough to admit, you "know" what someone else is talking about. The moment you do your learning stops.

Generally speaking, the ego encourages you to constantly prove yourself and what you already know. When you are in the presence of someone you feel the need to impress, the ego's automatic response is "I know."
When your in the presence of someone your ego thinks is smarter, richer, more experienced than you, your ego tells you, "I know what they are thinking about me."

When your in the presence of someone your ego believes is not as smart, rich or experienced as you, "I know" is the way to cut them off.

The moment you say "I know," you are demonstrating that you don't know. You can learn something valuable from everyone, in every situation.

I Am open and willing to learn.

The one thing grander than the sea is the sky. The one thing greater than the sky is the human spirit.

The reason we can't get clear is because we have so many things cluttering our minds and lives. We have so much mental chatter we can't hear ourselves think. We have so much emotional baggage we can't feel what's good, what's bad, what's right or what's wrong. We want so much, so fast, that we can't get clear about what to do first.

The first thing we have to do is get clear about the one thing we want. We must describe it, identify it, see it in our possession.
Dont stop to worry about how, that will only create more clutter. Just want it and see it the way you want it.

Once you do that, eliminate everything that is not getting you to what you want. Eliminate it from thought, word and deed. Eliminate people if necessary. Stop doing things that will not get you what you want.

When you are conforable with the energy you have put into you first want, move on to the next one.
The trick is to want one thing at a time. Focus on it. Concentrate on it and then let it go.

I Am clear about what I want.
I Can see through to it.

You can look ahead, you can look behind, what is written cannot be changed.

We cannot change the color of our skin. What we can change is how we feel about it.
We cannot change a pain-filled past. What we can do is change how it will affect us.
We cannot change how other may feel about who we are and where we've been. What we can change is how we see it, how we use it and how others use it to our benefit or detriment.

The past has already been written, but we have the power to write the future, based on who we are and what we do now. Only we can write a future based on self-support and respect. We can write a future full of strength, peace, wealth and love.
All we have to do is what is right now.

I Am choosing my future by what I do now.

Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone deal with you the same way.

Focused Vision
Many of us live day to day without a real sense of purpose. We know we want more out of life, but we can't seem to put a finger on exactly what it is. We believe our fate is due to a lack of career, money or the freedom to do what we want.

Actually, what we may be longing for is a personal mission. When you have a mission,you have a core passion that gives you vision. With the vision of your mission, you move gracefully through your goals. When you have a mission, you wholeheartedly embrace a task and you remain focused until the task is done. When you have a mission, you feel valued, worthy and respectable. You manage to keep your head up and others notice you.

What is your mission? Is it teaching, healing, painting, driving? Perhaps it is building snowmen, counting pea pods or keeping others on their mission.

Respect your life enough to pursue a meaningful mission.

Respect yourself enough to give yourself something to do.

I Am mission-minded and focused on a goal.

Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising.

The road of life is strewn with the bodies of promising people.
People who show promise, yet lack the confidence to act.
People who make promises they are unable to keep.
People who promise to do tomorrow what they could do today.
Promising young stars, athletes, entrepreneurs who wait for promises to come true.

Promise without a goal and a plan is like a barren cow. You know what she could do if she could do it, but she can't.

Turn your promise into a plan. Make no promise for tomorrow if you are able to keep it today.
And if someone calls you promising, know that you are not doing enough today.

My Life Needs A Plan Not A Promise.

Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth.

We can become so consumed with trying to make it that we never do. Unfortunately, before we know it, we are seated by age, hardened by experiences, having never realized the full value of life.
We want so much.
We try to do so much, it seems as if nothing ever gets done. The Ancient Africans knew that quality not quantity makes life precious. Its is our individual responsibility to set the standards for quality in our lives.
Do we have peace in our lives? Do we have a source of happiness in our lives? Are we living up to the standards we set for ourselves? Have we set standards? Are we committed to following our hearts desire? Are we making our dreams come true?

We must decide for ourselves what we want for ourselves while the sunshine of youth is upon us.

It is quality not quantity, that brings wisdom with age.

Dont let anyone steal your spirit.

There are times when we find ourselves at odds with someone. It may seem that our only choices are to get caught up in the situation or walk away.
The ego tells us we must prove we are right. If we walk away, the other person will win.

The ego keeps us from recognizing there is another choice. Whatever situation confronts us, we must recognize our right to be at peace. The need to be right and meet discord head on begins within. It is a need that stems from feelings of powerlessness, unworthiness and a lack of love. It shows up in life as arguments and confrontations.
When we have peace in our hearts and minds, we draw peace into our lives.
When discord and disharmony present themselves, we can stand firm.

When we let go of the need to prove to ourselves, nothing and no one can disturb the quiet and peace of our minds.

I am rightfully peaceful.

I ain't gonna study war no more...

Let us insist on peace today turning our minds away from war. There is war in our hearts, minds, body organs, and words because of the fast pace in which we live. Yet just for today, we will lay down our weapons, insisting the peace be the light and the way. Let us know today that we are spiritual beings, programmed for peace and love. Let us teach be example, demonstrating peace and love in everything we say and do. Let us know that it does not matter what other say or do. We will think in peace, speak in peace, knowing in our hearts that like will draw like. Let us know we our bound to become that which we study, so let us study peace, love and truth. If we commit ourselves to just one day of peace it is bound to feel so good, we will want to do it again.


Keep Thy Heart With All Diligence.

Ma'at and Isis (left to right)
Queen Maat is the gatekeeper of the heart. It is said that before man can pass on to eternal peace, his heart must be balanced on the scale of Maat. On one side she will place your heart, the cause behind all of our actions. On the other side, she will place her feather, which contains all the issues of life. If your heart tips the scale, you are banished from a peaceful rest and your spirit must continue working to cleanse  itself.
What are you harboring in your heart? Hate, anger, fear, judgement, shame or guilt will tilt the scale against you. The feather of Maat contains truth, honor, justice, harmony and love, which the ancients believed were the only requirements for a long, prosperous and peace-filled life.

To pass through the gate of Maat you must seek and speak the truth, harboring no ill thoughts or feelings, you must honor the ways of those who came before you, you must deal justly with honesty in all situations, be harmonious in all that you do, seeking no quarrel with anyone and extending only love to others.

                               My heart is as light as a feather.

A delay is not a denial.

Patience is a virtue many do not posses. We have very little difficulty identifying what we want and need. The difficulty comes in waiting for it to manifest. We become nervous, doubtful, even fearful when we don't see our good coming as quickly as we think it should. Sometimes we even allow ourselves to believe someone or something can hold us back or stop our good from coming. We worry, we complain and sometimes we give up hope. We cannot see how we get in our own way. We forget about universal timing and divine order. We may not realize how our negative thought, doubts, and fears uproot the positive seeds we plant. We just don't understand that we would not have the desire unless the supply were ready to come forward. We must learn the virtue of patience because every time we open the oven door, we run the risk of making a good cake fall.

Be patient and know that you have all the time in the universe.